Teen Self Harm Treatment

Therapy for adolescents 12-17 years old

  • Understand teenage self harm
  • Learn healthy coping skills
  • Get tools to prevent relapse
(855) 506-1906 Speak To a Representative

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We sent our daughter to Avery's House for self harm treatment and we can't say enough good things about the program. The major difference is that they are not a clinic or a treatment facility, it's a home. quote-icon

About 17% of teens admit to self-harming at least once in their lifetime

Self-harm is more prevalent in teens than any other population. Also known as nonsuicidal self-injury, it can be difficult to stop self-harming. If your teen is self-harming, don’t wait to reach out. We can help.


A safe & supportive place to heal

Avery’s House is a teen mental health treatment home. Our specialized professionals work with adolescents to evaluate, diagnose, & support various mental health conditions, including depression. We provide a non-judgemental, LGBTQA+-friendly environment where teens can safely begin or continue their treatment.

Self-harm in teens

Teenage self-harming isn’t always easy to detect. Due to shame or stigma, adolescents tend to learn how to hide self-harm quickly. Don’t ignore the warning signs if your child is harming themselves. If you’re uncomfortable or uncertain about how to speak to your child, you’re not alone! Call us today and see how Avery’s House can help.

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Self-harm symptoms in teens

Self-harm is not currently a diagnosable mental health condition. For some, self-injury is a one-time thing. For others, it becomes a cycle that is hard to break. Signs of self-injury include:

  • Overdressing, regardless of the weather or environment
  • Unexplained or recurring cuts, burns, or bruises Scars or marks on legs or arms
  • Changes in behavior, such as withdrawing from social life
  • Frequent thoughts about harming oneself Spending frequent time alone
  • Impulsive or unpredictable behavior
  • Keeping sharp objects on hand
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Why do teens self-harm?

Self-harm is not a mental health disorder, but a serious symptom of other psychological conditions. It’s not about suicide, rather a search to relieve the build-up of stress and emotional pressure. Risk factors include:

  • Mental health conditions like anxiety or depression
  • Having family or friends who harm themselves
  • Trauma or ongoing stress
  • Difficult relationships with family and friends Eating disorders
  • Experiencing bullying, homophobia or racism
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Avery’s House promotes healing and growth through the work of our team and the excellence of our program.


Josh Lemieux – Admissions

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Therapeutic services included


Family Therapy


Schooling Options


Medication Management


Case Management


Music Therapy


Community Based Activities

Some of the services included as part of the program are:

  • Weekly individual sessions
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Art Therapy
  • Trauma informed care
  • Experiential therapies